More Pictures - The Ones You've Been Waiting For!

Leuven!  The beautiful, picturesque town of Leuven!!  Vekommen aan in Leuven.  Do you know what that means?  We are arriving into Leuven.  Or something like that.  My Dutch isn't that great.  hehe  But that is very close to what it means, right B?  So, the train flashes this as you come into each town in Belgium.  Well, not this exactly, but it announces which town you are arrving into.  And since I was arriving into Leuven.......Vekommen aan in Leuven.  I love it.  Every day I say it to myself so I won't forget.  Smart, hey?  ;)    Vekommen aan in Leuven. 

But, before Leuven, just a couple of musings.  First, I miss Belgium.  Second, I miss blogging.  I'm so sad it's all over, and I would gladly go again tomorrow.  If only I had the cash.  hehe    I'm not quite ready to wrap it all up yet, which is why I haven't posted a wrap-up blog.  Maybe on the weekend, ya?  We'll see.  For now, I just want to keep reliving it.  Leuven.  Bruxelles.  Belgium.  B.  Divo.  All of it.  Sigh.  I can't believe it's over. 

But, since I have limited time at the moment (dinner is almost ready!), let's just do some pictures, okay?  Obviously, up first is Leuven.  And the beautiful beautiful flowers in Leuven.   I can't believe its spring there.  We're expecting snow on the weekend.  Sigh.

Anyhow, the first one is the outside of fancy restaurant.  See?  Garage.  You walk up stairs and into a parking garage.  You would never think there was a spectacular restaurant inside.  :)
So, that's it.  Belgium.  Beautiful, isn't it?  I can't believe its over.  And you've seen the best of it.  And heard about the worst of me.  My trials and tribulations.  I guess there's nothing left to show you.  See ya.  

Oh Wait!  Divos!  LOL.  Sorry, I'm being a goofy.  Who knows why.  LOL.  I won't post a ton, just a few.  Even though I have a ton.  Enjoy!  Aren't they handsome?  Yep.  :)  
Mom & Dad
4/11/2012 10:45:53 am

The photos are beautiful! And it is a true fact after every trip--we wish we were there again! But then the next trip is in the offing and once we do that, the one we just finished won't be so awesome. We will miss your blog too, you kept us up to date very well-it was as if we were there with you. Anyway---that's it for now. A demain!

4/11/2012 07:11:03 pm

More lovely photos. Belgium certainly is a beautiful place. Through your photos, you can revisit, and have pleasant memories.
I really think you should continue to blog, and no there doesn't have to be travel involved, juist whatever pops into your devious mind.
I'll be lurking around.

4/11/2012 08:00:46 pm

Oh my God! I almost fell of my chair LOL. I was scrolling down the pics then, all of the sudden... WOW, Il Divo, they tend to do that to people LOL.

Lovely photos and I meant all of them.

See you soon :)

4/12/2012 05:20:24 am

I agree with Carol. You have to continu!
You always have funny things happening to you, so... LOL

It's nice to see those pics. It makes me realise that I do live in a beautiful city :)

And the Divos... Urs in the grey suit... Love love love that one!!!!

4/14/2012 12:36:14 am

Lovely pictures. The Divos aren't bad either :P Seriously, I am missing your travel log too. Maybe you should do another one soon? But like Carol says, you can always blog about other stuff. And like your mum says, there is something brewin' every day. Especially when you're T hehehe...


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