Let's try again shall we?  Ooh, just saw a commercial for NKOTB and BSB.  At Sportpaleis in Antwerp.  I'm going there on Thursday.  Guess who I'm going to see?  Hehe

Anyhow, as I was saying, it is spring here.  Such a beautiful day.  The sun shined all day and I think I got a little bit of pink on my face.   I went on the open top bus for a few hours and saw all the city.  Everywhere the grass the grass is green and the trees are budding.  People just sit on the grass in the parks.  Is so beautiful. I think Belgians like to be outside.  All the time.  Even the smallest shop has a table and chairs outside.  It's really nice.   Too bad our winter lasts 10 months of the year..  LOL.  This would be nice.  

I wasn't brave enough to sit at an outside cafe today.  I guess I have to work my way up to it.  Hehe.  I did order a sandwich at Counter service and sit in the square in Grote Market and watched the world go by.  It's a bit weird being solo, but not awful.  But then again, it is only day one.  Ask me on day five. :)
 It seems there is a chocolate shop on every corner.  I almost don't know which one to go to, so decided to wait for B to tell me. ( here that B?). I don't just mean where you can get a chocolate bar....these places are like art.  They are beautiful.   I'm afraid to touch anything.  Bull in a china shop.  LOL.   Oh, and the lace and tapestries!  GORGEOUS,  and yes I bought something even though I though it was expensive.  I made the lady get it out of the window beNcause it was the last one.

Posting now in case this zaps again.  More coming.  

Two blogs in one day!  I'm going to spoil you if I keep this up.  Hehe.  It's kind of weird, traveling alone, sending emails and blogging is almost like you have someone To talk to. :). So, hello. :)

I walked today.  Walked and walked and walked.  And rode the bus for two hours to see Brussels.  Open air and sunshine.  I got some oink on my forehead.  It is definitely spring in Europe.  I think Calgary got 10 cm of snow today.  So to be in the sun with 

Okay, this is a post script....I typed out a huge message and it all got lost when I posted it.  So......back to the drawing board.  This is very frustrating.  GRRRRR

I MADE IT!  Yippee!  And it's five o'clock in the morning here!  Why in the world am I up so early when I'm still so sleepy?  Jet lag.  I was sooooo exhausted last night when I finally arrived, I was out before my head hit the pillow.  Slept good too just not long enough.  ZZZZZZZZ. SLEEPY.  And there are guys yelling in the street and a car running!  Be quiet people!   

So you know those people who can travel all day and arrive looking fresh as a daisy?  Ya that is so not me.  Hehe.  There was a point yesterday in the middle of heathrow when I thought I was going to lose it.   Tired, endless lineups and security, and so hot I could barely breathe.  Actually, I was sweating like a pig.  NOT attractive.  And I couldnt find cold water to save my life.  Ugh.  I did see a good sale on perfume though at the duty free. :p.  Oh and when I looked in the mirror a big zit on the end of my nose.  Nice.

The flight was long but uneventful.  Somehow, half way through the guy in the middle seat beside me left and never came back.  I don't know where he went but he was a bit annoying and the extra room was nice so who cares.  Hehe

Taxi ride was a bit scary - the guy zipped around like a nut in and out of traffic but it was ok.  Although sooooo expensive.  Highway robbery!  Arrived to B&B and away he went.  After taking all my money.  LOL.   After what seemed like forever, Sofie opened the door to the place.  I was starting to get a little worried to be honest. LOL.   But there she was.  The room is beautiful and large.  High high ceilings.  big claw foot bath although I really would have like a shower.  I got clean and wiped the sweat off.......guess that's all that matters.   Hehe

Ok. Off to see if I can zzzzzz a bit more but I am feeling waked up now, so probably not.  I wonder what adventure awaits today?  Oh if you ever go to Europe, bring a washcloth from home because they don't provide them apparently.  That sis

Blast Off
March 25, 2012

So, here we go.  I wish I could say WHEEEEEEE and maybe I will once I arrive, but for now.......wow, am I stressing.  I don't even know why, really.  I have travelled before - around to the other side of the world even - and I am certainly not the first person to ever take a holiday alone.  But..........this is huge for me.  Even with the outpouring of support (okay, it sounds like I'm going through some awful battle or tragedy or something, which I'm totally not), I'm still pretty stressed.  One step at a time, right?  

Get on the plane
Fly (wow, my arms will be tired, that's a long way :P)
Get off the plane
Get a taxi
Get to B&B

I can do all that, can't I?   Sure.  So why is it freaking me out so much?  Cause I'm a loser, that's why.  But, moaning isn't going to change a thing.  I have to conquer my fear and just do it.  So, with that final piece of moaning, I will leave you all know and as long as I can get my ipad working in Belgium, will give you a post to say I've arrived.  My ipad, however, seems to be the most useless piece of equipment - I really hate it.  It won't even load the iBooks I downloaded, so............  WOW.   Not impressed at all.  

A quick and GIANT thank you to everyone who is excited for me and who have sent notes.  There's so many of you - Forum people, friends, family, workmates......Not everyone posts on here, but I've had loads of emails.  You girls are all just.......amazing.  Really, Really amazing.  You give me courage when I have none of it myself.  Thank you for having faith in me when I don't have it in myself.  I'm not very brave, I'll tell you that.  In fact, I'm a big giant chicken.  LOL.   Who's probably about to get herself killed - figuratively - on this grand adventure.   Let's hope not.

So, rather than Belgium, as a sign off.......a little bit Canada, okay?   I'm going to watch it when I get homesick.  This is where I live.  Its' my backyard.  So for all you international reads - and I know there's lots! - this is what Calgary is.  

I am CANadian.  I can do it this.   Maybe, maybe maybe.  

See you all in Europe.  Wow.  Europe.  WOW!  

Big big big hugs!   Five, four, three, two, one...............BLAST OFF


Eat Pray Love........and a Quiz
March 24, 2012

There seems to be a lot of beer in this blog lately, doesn't there?  We started out talking about Brewin Coffee.........and now we seem to be Brewin Beer.  Which I don't even drink!   hehe   Anyhow, went out for dinner tonight with my parents and a friend, and dad couldn't decide which kind of beer to get.  We settled on Stella Artois.  Why?  Well......stay tuned for the quiz.   :)  Then you'll know why.  

So, does anyone know this movie?  Eat Pray Love?   It's got some weird guru-y type stuff in it that's not really my thing, but it's also about a woman who changes her life by travelling first to Italy, then India, then Bali.  Alone.  She goes all ALONE.  And it changes her life and she comes back a totally different person.  She's not crying (just now she's getting in the cab to go to the airport).........she's just going.  Wow.  I wish I was that tough tomorrow.  I hope I am.  But I know I won't be.  It's an impossible thing.  But, look how brave she is.  I like this because it's based on a true story.  A woman actually did this.  And she survived.  OOOOOH, and her bff just now said......I wish I was going with you and I'm proud of you, now go.    How's that for support?  Amazing right?   And you all have supported me exactly the same way.  I'm proud of you and excited and have a great time.  So, tomorrow..........Just Go.  I have to just go.    I bought a ticket, and I have to just go.  If Julia can do it, so can I.   Maybe.  I'm still at the maybe stage.  :P 

So, Eat.  Well, I'll eat in Belgium.  They have food.  Julia just ate a Napoleon in Italy.  Do they have those in Belgium?  Maybe something better.  Yummy.   Next, Pray.  Well, I already pray so that's not really an issue for me, except maybe some additional reliance to get through this unscathed.  Extra praying then.  Okay, I can do that.   Its essential, actually.  (Oh.......HOT Italian tutor.  Is there a hot Belgian tutor?   Atraversiamo.  I just learned that.  It's Italian!  :P)    Finally, Love.  Well, love.  Not expecting love.  Except to maybe love travelling alone.   Maybe that's possible.  Who knows.   Or, maybe.........I might fall in love with Javier Bardem like Julia did.  :P :P :P  

Maybe we should do a re-cap of this when I get home.  What did I Eat?  What did I Pray?  What did I Love?  What a great idea.  Remind me!  Okay?  

And, last by not least........the promised QUIZ.  I told you there would be test!  I bet you didn't think I really would do it!  Well, surprise!  But its easy except for the bonus question.  All you had to do was be reading along for the past few blogs.  The answers are all there.   Ready?  Here we go. 

1.  How many breweries in Belgium?
2. Which province is Herentals located in?
3. Name the usual accompaniment to mussels?
4. Where is the Il Divo concert on March 29?
5. What beer has its headquarters in Leuven?

Bonus:   Name the King and Queen of Belgium (yes, you can google it!) 

And that folks, is it for tonight.  I'm tired.  My throat is sore (not a good sign!) and I'm going to finish watching this movie; and make an early night of it.  I have a bit more packing to do in the morning - all the little stuff and toiletries - and then....done.   And then.........off to the airport.  Wow.  Its hard to believe it here, but it is.   Yow-za. 

I'll drop you a note tomorrow before I leave, okay?   Thanks for reading along.  And leaving your thoughts.  It means the world.   Grazi (they are in Italy after all!)   See you tomorrie.  It's almost the big day!   WOW.  


Oh, and thanks to BEDS in Airdrie, who sent me this little tidbit today in an email.....my favourite movie of all time and there is a quote for every think one might encounter in life.   

Hold your head up, keep your frame locked, shoulders back......   THAT is my motto.  I can do this.  I am CANadian.  


48 Hours
March 23, 2012

No, I don't mean the 48 hours investigative news show where they try to figure out who kill whom in some bizarre murder case.  Usually its the husband who did it; but you probably already knew that, right?  Of course, you are all smarties!  Ooooh, Smarties.......when was the last time you had a Smartie?  Now I want one!  Anyhow, I digress.......

Forty Eight hours.  Until I leave.  For Europe.  Ai Yi Yi!  I think I might need one of those beers!  Don't they look good?  They sort of look like cider to me.  I can imagine how good they would taste ice cold on a warm day.  Yummy, right?  If they taste as good as they look I might have to try one.  With my waffles.  And Frites.  But after the concert!  Everything after the concert!  Dont want a bloated beer belly for the boys, do I now?  Nope.  :)  

Okay, so, 48 hours.  I will be flying over Airdrie right about now (that's a small city a few miles north of Calgary for those who don't know.  My bff Brenda lives there *hi Bedsie* )  So, all in all, I'm not doing too bad, although I did have a bit of a well-up a couple of times today.   One was at work when a colleague was telling me to have a great trip......i have to say I got a little misty-eyed (I'm soooo dumb and she was being so sweet!)  And the second time was at my parents tonight.  They are so supportive and I was tearing up...........   But then, I was trying to take a picture of them with my camera, and it turned into a big laugh fest because I video'd Mum saying....Don't take my picture!  It was hilarious and I ended up laughing and not crying at all.  (Don't worry, Mum, I won't ever post that video anywhere.  Promise.  I'll just watch it when I'm having a moment because it makes me laugh, and I'll need to laugh!)  (B.......I'll show you on Wednesday :P)   hehehe

I just saw a commercial on tv and you know what it said?  Canadians are made of Can, not Can't.  Wow!  That's totally inspiring.   I Can, right?  Because I'm Canadian.  Okay,  That's good.  Useful.  I'll remember that when I'm crying in the public toilet.  Probably having to pay extra money to the 'toilet lady' for using up so much paper blowing my nose!    I'm Canadian, and I Can.  Right-O!

So, a map of Belgium with the cities.  How about this?  Thanks to Chris who sends me all kinds of goodies to share with you.   This should help place the cities.  Study hard, there will be a test tomorrow.   When there's only 24 hours left to go!  YIKES!  I can't think about it.  Not yet.  Tomorrow I will keep myself busy cleaning the house and mending my dress and going to the gym.  If I don't think about it, its not real.  Not sure I'm ready for it to be real yet.  But it is.  In 47.5 hours!!    WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Till tomorrow, my lovlies.   Nite Nite. 



T Minus 3 Days (4 Days?)  3 Days?
March 21, 2012

This is Carlos laughing at me because I can't make up my mind.  Is it 3 days until I go, or 4?  Technically, I guess 4.  It's about 97 hours until the plane takes off, so 4 right?   But........Thursday, Friday, Saturday......and then I leave on Sunday.  Night.  3 days.  See............I can't make up my mind.  *giggle*  Laugh, Carlos, Laugh.  I am! 

Okay, so, with 4 or 3 days to go until I leave, I thought I'd best post an update.  The big news?  I've got a new passport!  YAY!  Probably the single most important piece of this whole puzzle.  I wouldn't be going anywhere if I didn't have a passport.  So I guess I'm glad I paid that extra $30 for the rush fee.  :P   So, it looks like we're on.  I'm going.  Ai Yi Yi.   It's real!  Belgium!  In 3 days! 

I have to say things are slowly coming together.  Finally.  Passport in hand.  Euros in my pocket.  Supplies purchased.  Piles of stuff in the spare bedroom ready to be put into the suitcase.  I need to alter my dress still, but that won't take long.   OH!  I got a gorgeous, gorgeous necklace for it today!  It's this amazing blue and I don't even normally wear blue!  But this was just so.......sparkly and perfect!  I love it!  I hope it looks okay when I put it all together.  *giggle*  I guess I'll know in a week!  (Don't worry, I'll do a dry run here!  What girl wouldn't?)

So, tomorrow I pack and get myself completely organized.  I took the day off and that is the plan.   I'm feeling rather calm at the moment, which is a bit strange, but I always do better with a looming deadline.  Always.  In work.  In life.  I pull it together when there is a deadline.  And I do a great job of it.  Usually.  So, there is a deadline of 3 or 4 days.....I have a plan and it will be executed and all will be fine.  Right?  Right.  Si, si Senorita.  :)   It's strange that this calmness is coming over me; I expect a freak out any day.  A big, hysterical tears freak out.  But maybe it won't come.   And if I does, I hope it doesn't happen at the airport!   EMBARASSING!   So, I'll keep you posted as I go along.  I don't want to say I feel 'better' but I am calmer and thinking maybe I can do this.  I can do it, right?   

I think we need a Belgian lesson tonight before I sign off.  I was told that beer is big in Belgium.  So, imagine........a Brewin Brewing Beer in Belgium.  :P   I don't drink beer.  I can't tell you the last time I had one.  But Belgium has 178 breweries.  I might have to drink some.  Apparently there is a cherry beer?  I might like that.  Something light and fruity that doesn't taste like beer.  Does such a thing exist?  Don't tell me to try all 178 until I find one I like!  LOL.    But maybe I should have at least ONE beer or half a beer when I'm there, right?    I'll think about it.  There must be something to it since so many people like it.   hehehehe

Oh!  On the topic off food - okay, we weren't really talking about food but close enough - a 13 year old boy gave me a hug today because I promised I'd email him a picture of a Belgian waffle.  The boy is crazy for waffles it seems.  LOL.  Okay, Mr. Kyle, deal.    And on the menu for my department lunch today was Mussels and Frites.  Yes, Frites.   I also know that is a Belgian dish.  Look at me!  How much I've learned since we started!   But while I might drink beer, I don't think you're going to get me to eat mussels.  :P   Yuck. 

Here's a map of Belgium for you to study.  Maybe see if you can figure out where I'm going to be.  :)   You can follow me on my travels.   (sorry, couldn't get the beer pic to load in the right spot!) 

Okay, Lovelies.  Nighty Nighty time for me.   Would you like an update tomorrow?  When it's T Minus 3 Days (or 2 days?)  Not that I have a clue what to blog about.   I'm about tapped out.   What else is there to cover off?  Suggestions?  


One Week
March 18, 2012

That title makes me think of a song.  What doesn't?  LOL.  Does anyone know the
Canadian band Bare Naked Ladies?  (Strange name, I know!)  Anyhow, they had had song that went something like........."Its been one week since you looked at me........"    Ya, okay, that's all I remember.  :P  And I'm too lazy to google it.

So, Hello!!!!   I haven't been in here for days.  Yikes.  I hope you're still following along, all you cyber readers.  I am running out of time and running out things to blog about.  And the more I blog, the more real it becomes.  At this point, I'm not sure I want it to be real.  ONE WEEK!   I'm leaving in ONE WEEK!  And have you guessed yet?  I'm freaking out!   Freaking, Freaking, Freaking! 

Why?  Well, there's not really words for why, I guess.   It's just me.  I freak out.  And then I do it anyhow.  Yesterday, I was close to tears several times; completely overwhelmed.  I know I'll have a day in the next week where I will completely lose it and will sob my little heart out.  I'm a weirdo.  I know that.  And I wish I was different, but that's just how I roll.  I'm scared to even think about I'll be like next week at this time.   Not good, I'll tell you that.  What the heck was I thinking, believing I could do this? 

No point belly-aching I guess.  So, what else can we talk about?  Well, how about some packing advice?  LOL.  Yep, still having dilemma's.  I don't want to overpack, but I just need to bring some stuff, you know?  Although there are a few things I'm undecided about.  Maybe you can help me.

~~  Do I need to bring a pair of black trousers?  I need a skirt because of the fancy lunch B has arranged for us at Luzine.  I need to dress up and look pretty.  But do I need trousers?  Maybe they will be just taking up extra space? 

~~  Coats.  And sweaters.  So, I'm wearing my red knee length coat on the plane because I need something dressy with me; also it warm, and honestly looks okay with jeans.  I don't want to look a typical tourist when I'm over there.   :P  But I need something else.  But I don't need two extra coats, do I?  I was thinking of my structured denim blazer jacket and this gorgeous shorter purple jacket I have.  But I don't need both, do I?  How do I pick?  I have NO idea.  Can't I just bring both?   Sweaters?  Well, Cardigans, really.  I'm wearing my favourite light grey one on the plane.  I need another as was planning on a dark grey one as well.  But then I saw the brown one I have and maybe that's a better alternative.  One grey, one brown?  Or maybe is two grey better?  I do like the grey better than the brown.  UGH!  I can't decide!   LOL.  

~~  Shoes.  Shoes and shoes.  I'm still having shoe dilemmas.  Mostly because of the situation with my dumb wrecked leg.  Its so hard to figure out it.  Okay, I'm wearing my boots on the plane.  Bringing a pair of sneakers for sight seeing.  My dressy Sketchers for travelling here and there when I need to be dressy.  Will probably hide the 'nice' shoes in my giant Carlos bag and change when I get to where I am going.  Not the best alternative, but I don't know what else to do.  The way my leg is, I have to have comfy shoes or I'll be be more wrecked than normal.  So, in regard to dressy shoes......I have lovely flat silver ones for the concert.  Do I need to bring a second pair of dressy (pointy low pumps) just in case?  I always worry about just in case.  Because what am I going to wear to Luzine if I don't have them?  UGH!   See what goes around and around in my head?  No wonder I am driving myself mental.  :P

Okay, I'll shut up at the packing.  But I would LOVE some input.  Please. 

I want to thank B for all her info about Belgium!  :)  And Chris too for her input.  Look how educated we all are because of them!  I feel like maybe I have a handle on the Belgian culture.  The picture I have is that Belgians are very proper people.  They like beauty and tidiness and like to help foreigners (You better not be wrong about that B!  LOL)  Anyone I have encountered here in Canada tells me that Belgian is like France, only much nicer and friendlier.  :) 

So, maybe it will be alright.  It has to be, doesn't it?   Getting on the plane is going to be the hardest part, I think.  Wow.  One week. 


PS:  Leaving you now because I need to go book my ticket up to the top of the Eiffel Tower.  I'll kick myself if I don't go, I know I will.  Wow.  One week. 


Xenophobes and Xylophones
March 14, 2012

Okay, this post has absolutely nothing to do with xylophones.  I just wanted to type the word.  *giggle*  Come on, when was the last time you typed it?  Try  it.  Xylophone.  It's fun! 

I hate to admit this but I had to look up Xenophobe.  Really, I did.  I can't believe you all knew what it meant and I didn't!  I'm not that dumb, am I? Well, sometimes......  hehe  Anyhow, for those of you like me, who don't know, here's the definition from an online dictionary.  A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.  So, now you know!  :)

I wouldn't say I have a fear of foreigners.   I'm afraid of lots of things, but not foreigners.  Certainly not Belgians.  Should I be?  LOL.  Tell me the truth now!   Mum, you honestly think I've been xenophobic since I was a little girl?  Really?  Wow.  I had no idea!  I will confess what I am afraid of.  Terrified really.  Ready for it?  Xylophones.  LOL.  Is there a word for that? 

Anyhow, this book is awesome!  (Big thanks to B for sending it to me!) I've learned so much!  Here are some of my favourite parts:

~ french(ed) fries are cut to the size of ladies pinky finger and fried twice to make them extra crispy (can't wait to try them!)  With Mayonaisse!
~  Belgians devote every Saturday to fastidiously cleaning their homes.  Hey!  That's just like me.  I knew there was a reason I liked those Belgians!  (Although I wouldn't say I was fastidious about it!)
~ Belgians eat 8 kgs of chocolate a year and apparently the chocolates are VERY affordable  (I could be in trouble! hehe)
~ everyone kisses each other when they meet.  Three times.  Even the grizzled old men kiss each other.   (What about the cute young men?  LOL) 
~ There's flemish and walloons and one is french and one is dutch.....and I kinda got confused after that

That's all for now.  I can't give it all away, can I?  If you need more information the book will be available for rent (hehe) after I return on April 5.  Cost?  A Belgian chocolate, of course!

Oh, I have a question, my resident Belgian residents.   You know those outdoor cafe restaurants, where people sit and have coffee or a meal?  First, will they be open when I am there?  IE:  Do people sit outside even when it's not full summer?  Second, what is the protocol?  Do you just pick an empty table/chair and sit and the man comes to serve you?  Or do you go inside, put your order, and then you go out and side at the table of your choice?  How does it work?  I don't want to look like a dummy........I want to be confident.  And I"m so not.  LOL.   So, please, tell me the rules! 

And, I think that's about enough for tonight, don't you?  It's almost bedtime and I'm sleepy.  Until tomorrow, my friends.  I leave you with this, cause I think it's funny.   And I read in the Xenophobe book that Belgians like eels.  I'll pass on that, thank you.  ;) 



The Price is Right
March 13, 2012

I must be the most unphotogenic person in the world.  Ugh.  Sheesh, I don't look good in pictures.  I don't look that great in real life, but it seems to be amplified in photographs about 100%.  LOL.  However, I did not let that stop me!  I needed a passport photo, and so I got one.  Well, two.  You need two when you send in your application.  Twice the ugly.  Yay.  :P  

Anyhooooo, the man at the place was very lovely and for the bargain price of $20, he took my photo.  It's really a miracle I didn't break the camera, but it survived.  hehehe   I suppose it's tolerable, the image, but it looks so different from the current passport photo, I wonder that I'm the same person.  Actually, no, I'm not.  The old picture was taken in 2007.  I wasn't in a good place in 2007.  And it just got worse and worse until I crashed and burned at the end of 2008.    I'm totally different now.  In a better way.   But that's a story for a another blog.   Back to the picture.  

You know how the style was at that time?  Everyone had to have straight hair.  When you have really curly hair, it's a bit of challenge.  Every day I took a flat iron to my head.  Burned myself a few times too.  LOL..  It took hours and eventually it got to be too much.  One day I saw on Oprah that we need to just appreciate the hair we have and not fight it so much.  So I stopped fighting it.  It was a losing battle.  Now, it's just a crazy wild mess, and everyone says "Oh, I wish I had hair like that."    Betcha don't. :P   ANYHOW, thankfully my curly hair looked as good as it could have yesterday, so the passport picture was.......okay.  For a passport picture.  Of an unphotogenic person. 

Did you know that for a price, you can get just about anything?  Yep.  It's true.  So, I toddled off to the passport office this morning, with my pictures in hand and my application all ready to go.  Hoping I would get a lovely agent who would take pity on my and help me get what I needed by the time I leave in 11 days.  Turns out I didn't need a lovely agent.  I just needed to regular processing fee of $87 plus an extra $30 as a convenience fee.  And for $117, the price is right.  I should have a new passport by March 21.  YAY!    

So, needless to say it takes a bit of the stress off, but I won't feel completely good about it until I have that new passport in my hand.  I could have cried when the agent cut the corners of my existing documents, rendering them invalid.  YIKES!  Now I really can't go anywhere.   Hurry up, March 21.  You can't get here soon enough! 

Tomorrow's blog?  Well..........Anyone know what a Xenophobe is?  Stay tuned to find out!  :) 
